BackBone Monitor BBMon

BBMon overview

On the monitored host BBMon executes scripts from a cmd-file called from an at-job. Every script creates a log file. The central configuration file then tells a parser what to look for in the log files. You can search for strings and numbers (ranges).

You also specify what should happen if this is found. The results are put in a summary file that is then copied to the monitoring server and parsed by the CGIs.

Immediate checks are also allowed. They are triggered by the web server and return the log output.

Modules can be can be pretty much anything. For example, you can call the Nagios NRPE_NT-modules and pipe their output to log files.


The startpage lets you choose from "dynamic" or "static" view:

The dynamic version is a cgi that looks through all the reports every time you update, the static version just calls a HTML file that is updated by an at-job from the server using the same CGI.

Next you see the group overview. The worst state in this group is also displayed.

If you click on a group, you’ll see servers and services in a table with an icon for critical, warning or unknown. The window size is adjusted automatically.

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